The Bruyère Health Research Ethics Board is an independent committee of medical and non-medical members, mandated by the Board of Directors to ensure that research at Bruyère Health and the Bruyère Health Research Institute is conducted in accordance with its policies, mission and values, the Government of Canada Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics Tri-Council Policy Statement 2 (TCPS2), and generally accepted ethical standards and standards of scientific research.
The REB is committed to the advancement of knowledge, as specified in its Terms of Reference. The REB has the authority to approve, reject, modify, and terminate all research studies undertaken at Bruyère Health, its affiliates or any independent services/programs/centres that have an affiliation agreement with Bruyère Health.
Unless exempted under the REB’s policies and procedures and the standards of the TCPS2, all research proposals involving Bruyère Health staff or patients must be submitted for review and approval to the Bruyère Health REB prior to the commencement of any research activities.
REB meetings are not open to the public. Individuals wishing to convey items to the board should submit in writing to the REB Office.
The Bruyère Health Research Institute and the Bruyère Health Research Ethics Board respects and values the dignity, rights, and diversity of all those who work, study, volunteer, and participate in research across our organization.
The principles outlined in this guide are a reflection of our values as an institution, and our efforts to remove barriers and biases in order to create a safe, equitable, accessible, diverse and inclusive space for those who conduct research and those who participate in it.

Download the EDII Guidance Document.
Gordon DuVal is Director of the Carleton Office of Research Ethics and Chair of the Research Ethics Boards at National Research Council Canada and Bruyère Health. He has spent the past 25 years researching and teaching health law, research ethics and medical ethics at the University of Toronto, at its Joint Centre for Bioethics and Faculties of Law and Medicine, at the US National Institutes of Health, and at the American University College of Law in Washington, DC. He was also a fellow at the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago.
Gordon graduated from the University of Calgary with an MA in Philosophy (Ethics) and from the University of Toronto with JD and SJD (Doctorate of Law) degrees with a specialty in health law and medical ethics. As a researcher in research ethics, bioethics, and health law, he has published in a variety of peer-reviewed medical, law, and bioethics journals, and has served on a variety of expert panels as an adviser on ethics and research ethics.
Kristi Wilde holds a Master’s Degree in Public Ethics from Saint Paul University with a concentration in healthcare ethics, human rights, and privacy and information ethics. She is also a graduate of the University of Ottawa with a degree in Conflict Studies. Kristi has certifications in Mediation and Dispute Resolution from the Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution, along with certification in Elder Mediation, with a focus on interpersonal and multi-party conflict, mediation for families in conflict, navigating care for the elder, assisting families in helping the elder transition to long-term care, and patient advocacy. Kristi has a comprehensive range of experience working in the healthcare and health research sector, including community, hospital and long-term care settings.